
Music Lead: Mrs. E. Gould


At Whitby Heath, we believe that music is a key part to learning and should be taught to inspire and develop a love for music. 

We follow the Charanga scheme of work and work closely with an external company called Musical Minds (KS2) who teach whole class music sessions and individual tuition instrument lessons.


If you would like to find out more about Charanga or Musical Minds please feel free to discuss this with Mrs. Gould 



Our vision is to ensure that all pupils, including those with SEND, are confident and enjoy music in as many ways as they choose- either as a listener, a creator or performer. Pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding of music are all consistently being developed; this is core to the curriculum. We aim to ensure that all pupils develop an ability to become confident, achieve, interact and have an awareness of others and self-reflect through the power of music. Our vision it to ensure that high standards are achieved, that Music is taught well and that pupils make good progress at every stage.


  • To promote and develop children’s enjoyment and enthusiasm for Music through exciting, practical, first-hand learning and opportunities to explore and make connections in their learning.
  • To ensure that all children, including those with SEND, experience practical and exciting musical opportunities within lessons.
  • To ensure that the statutory requirements of the national curriculum for Music are taught well and applied across all subjects of the curriculum.
  • Knowledge of key skills in music, including the development of understanding how music is created, produced and communicated is embedded and built on sequentially across the school.
  • Monitoring schedule to ensure consistency in planning, floor books and assessment which is securely good and increasingly outstanding when triangulated.
  • To develop pupils’ confidence and skills in listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing and composing across a wide range of historical periods, styles, traditions and genres.
  • All children to have personalised fortnightly music sessions which further improve their level of engagement and achievement in Music.
  • Whole class sessions to be well matched to Charanga sessions and adapted for individuals/classes/cohorts where necessary.
  • To ensure that from EYFS onwards, pupils develop a curiosity for Music as well an understanding of the importance of all types of music that may wish to be expressed in any person’s life.
  • To ensure consistency in the teaching and learning of music across school by all staff.
  • To help pupils to understand the value and importance of music in the wider community and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge and experiences in a different context outside of the classroom.
  • To ensure children have an understanding of how to further develop skills less known to them and build on this learning as they move through the school and beyond.

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