PE & Sport Premium Grant

An outline of the impact of the use of Sports Funding for 2023/24 and our planned use of this funding in 2024/25 is attached on this page.  Our swimming statement for 2023/24 is also attached.

This grant is dedicated to support and develop a range of sports and PE activities. Each year the PE leads identify key areas to develop or enhance. These have ranged from introducing encouraging a greater uptake in physical activity during breaks and lunchtimes through the use of outdoor gym equipment and a dedicated Playground Lead, identifying those children who are more reluctant participants and engaging them and developing and coaching staff in the teaching of PE skills through the use of Amaven.

The planned continued development of strong sport clubs and strong links with other schools in the local area for competitions will further help to build the sustainability of this work. The school's involvement with a local school partnership continues into 2024/25.

The PE curriculum is regularly reviewed by Subject Leaders and the Headteacher.

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