The Curruculim Lead for PSHE/RSE/Wellbeing is: Mrs G Beach

For the teaching and learning of PSHE/RSE, we ensure that all the aims and statutory requirements from the National Curriculum are embedded within our curriculum.

At Whitby Heath Primary School we are committed to promoting healthy relationships within friendships and families that can help to teach children life-long skills in how to conduct themselves in a caring and respectful way in all types of relationships that they encounter now and as they grow into adulthood. This has long been part of the PSHE and Wellbeing curriculum and key in our values at Whitby Heath Primary School.

In 2019, ‘Statutory Guidance for Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education’ was published by the Department for Education (DfE) which outlines aspects of Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) that need to be covered in school. This guidance made parts of the RSE and PSHE curriculum statutory. As such, we tailored our school curriculum accordingly. Much of what is taught is not new. Encouraging positive, healthy relationships based on mutual respect and tolerance of others, are values that have long been upheld at Whitby Heath Primary School. The new aspects of the RSE curriculum merely formalised the teaching of these. 

In addition to the important messages around positive relationships, there are also certain aspects of Sex Education addressed. These will be taught in a sensitive, factual and age appropriate way, largely focusing on preparing children for how their bodies change as they grow up and aspects of human reproduction that are already a statutory part of the Science curriculum. 

An important part of our Sex Education programme are our 'Growing up' workshops in Year 5 and Year 6. These are delivered by Health box, and provide an opportunity for children to learn about how their bodies will change as they grow up and how to deal with these changes in a positive way. 

As part of our curriculum, we follow guidance, schemes and links from the PSHE Association and Kapow as well as using some resources from the Christopher Winter Project. 

For more information, please see the PSHE/RSE policy on th policy page of the website.

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