Reception Elm Class 2024 - 2025

Mrs Burns

Support Staff: Mrs Bell, Mrs Corkish & Mrs Crawford

Rachel A.jpg Deb B.png sue pic.PNG Jen c.png
Mrs Burns Mrs Bell  Mrs Crawford Mrs Corkish 


Talk 4 Writing

In Spring 1, we will delve into the thrilling adventures of Supertato as he thwarts Evil Pea's mischievous plans and saves the day for his fellow vegetables. Through engaging storytelling and imaginative play, we will explore the importance of helping others and the positive impact of community support.

Our focus will be on understanding how Supertato, with his extraordinary abilities, comes to the aid of vegetables in distress, teaching children about empathy, resilience, and the value of friendship. We will also draw parallels between Supertato's heroic actions and the real-life heroes in our local community who help us in various ways.

By exploring these themes, we aim to foster a sense of belonging and social responsibility in young children, encouraging them to recognise the importance of helping others and appreciating the support they receive from their community.


The books in Spring term that will be used to develop our story language are:


Julia Donaldson 

The Runaway Pea 

Kjartan Poskitt 


Matt Carr 




Maths -

By the end of Reception children need to be able to:

  • recognise numbers to 20
  • order numbers
  • know 1 more and 1 less than a number
  • add and subtract numbers up to 20
  • double and half numbers
  • estimate numbers
  • know 2D and 3D shapes
  • be able to use positional langauge
  • Talk about time and money

Topics - 

During Spring 1 we will be using a 'Plan-Do-Review' approach to learning, starting our 'Rainbow Challenges' and finding out all about:

People who help us 






Important Information:

PE- Oak class will have their PE sessions on Thursday

PE Uniform: 

  • Team colour t-shirt
  • Plain black shorts
  • Black pumps for indoor PE
  • Trainers for outdoor PE
  • Tracksuits, sweatshirts and leggings can be worn for outdoor PE in colder weather 
  • Ear rings must be removed and long hair must be tied back


Reading Book Changes


It is expected that all children will read at home at least five times each week. This can be a mixture of reading with support from an adult and independent reading. It can be their home reader, a magazine, newspaper, library book, or any other book that your child would enjoy reading. 

All home reading should be recorded in home-school diaries, this can be as simple as individual date and signature and the book that has been read as well as comment about how your child has read.

As a school, we aim for ‘Strive for Five’. Using our Dojo reward system to celebrate this achievement. As a result, parents will receive a notification of this via the Dojo app as well as children receiving a stamp in their Reading Record indicating their total number of reads each week. 

Each child has an allocated day that their book/s will be changed, linked to their house teams:

Donaldson- Monday

Seuss- Tuesday

Dahl- Wednesday

Rowling- Thursday

In school, we use children’s Reading Records to keep a record of what the children are reading rather than a dialogue between parents and school. We love to see parent comments about how they have got on if you have listened to them reading aloud or have asked them some questions about what they have read. We look forward to catching up with parents about children's reading progress in our parent’s evenings. 

Homework Information

This is sent via Dojo alternate Fridays. We ask parents to take a photo/video and upload the homework so we can see how well children are progressing their learning at home.


Should parents need to contact the EYFS team please send a direct message through ClassDojo. All communication from school will be shared in this way. 

Other useful websites for learning at home



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