Year 3 Poplar Class 2024 - 2025

Mrs Williams

Mrs Madden

Cath W.png JM.JPG   Rachel C.jpg
Mrs Williams Mrs Madden Mrs Newton Miss Choy


Year 3 Poplar Class 2023-2024


Important Information for Spring 1


Writing:  In English we will be exploring the story ‘The Cobbler of Krakow and Smok the Dragon . We will be using Talk for Writing techniques to learn the text. Within this unit, we will be looking at the action toolkit. We will be learning how to create descriptions that the reader can imagine, making it sound real and intriguing. We will be focusing on how to use a range of verbs, adverbs and fronted adverbials to add detail to our writing.   
Guided Reading:  Pathways to Read- We will be reading 'The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. Within this unit, we will be focusing on draw inferences about the characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives and justify with evidence from the text. We will discuss the words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination. We will be identifying themes and conventions in a wide range of books.  
Maths: This half term we will be learning about multiplication and division in our Power Maths Unit 6. We will learn how to use the formal written method to multiply TO X O. In Unit 7 we will learn how to calculate the length and perimeter on regular and irregular shapes. In Unit 8 we will learn about unit and non-unit fractions. We will apply our knowledge of the four operations across these units.   
Science: This half term, our Science topic will be Animals including humans: Skeletons and Muscles.  
History:  In our History lessons this half term we will be building on our knowledge of the Stone Age and learning about the Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will be answering the question: Which was the more impressive – Bronze Age or Iron Age? We will be learning about what life was like in the Bronze Age, how it has changed from the Stone Age as well as learning about key Bronze Age and Iron Age sites. We will also be visiting Beeston Castle in the Spring term to visit a real life replica Bronze Age settlement.
PE: In PE are two units are:- 
 Gymnastics- We will explore different types of balances and different shapes and ways of travelling, put together to make a sequence.
 Basketball- We will learn the rules of basketball and the art of attacking and defending.  
Art and Design: We will be exploring craft and design and making Egyptian Scrolls. We will investigate the patterns, colours and shapes found in Egyptian artwork. Then we will create our own papyrus paper  
Computing: This term we will be learning about Scratch. We will learn how to programme   
RE: We are finding about about how the bible can help a Christian with their way of life. We will be finding out about the different books in the bible, learning how to find particular verses and find out about the gospels  
Music: This term we will be developing our singing techniques by learning Viking songs. 


PE- Poplar class will have their PE sessions on Monday and Wednesday

PE Kit: 

  • Team colour t-shirt
  • Plain black shorts
  • Black pumps for indoor PE
  • Trainers for outdoor PE
  • Tracksuits, sweatshirts and leggings can be worn for outdoor PE in colder weather 
  • Ear rings must be removed and long hair must be tied back


Reading Book Changes


It is expected that all children will read at home at least five times each week. This can be a mixture of reading with support from an adult and independent reading. It can be their home reader, a magazine, newspaper, library book, or any other book that your child would enjoy reading. All home reading should be recorded in home-school diaries, this can be as simple as individual date and signature and the book that has been read as well as comment about how your child has read.

All children at Whitby Heath read daily in class whether it be on a 1:1 basis or working within group. As a school, we aim for ‘Strive for Five’. Using our Dojo reward system to celebrate this achievement. As a result, parents will receive a notification of this via the Dojo app as well as children receiving a stamp in their Reading Record indicating their total number of reads each week. 

Each child has an allocated day that their book/s will be changed, linked to their house teams:

Donaldson- Monday

Seuss- Tuesday

Dahl- Wednesday

Rowling- Thursday

In school, we use children’s Reading Records to keep a record of what the children are reading rather than a dialogue between parents and school. We love to see parent comments about how they have got on if you have listened to them reading aloud or have asked them some questions about what they have read. We look forward to catching up with parents about children's reading progress in our parent’s evenings. 

Homework Information

Maths homework is set each week on Mirodo

English homework is set on Dojo and alternates between Oracy and Spelling.




Times Tables

Please also practise the times tables that your child is on. Children are tested twice every week and cannot move on to the next times table until they have passed their current level three times. This includes multiplication and division.


Should parents need to contact the Year 3 team please send a direct message through ClassDojo. All communication from school will be shared in this way. 

Other useful websites for learning at home

  • Mirodo


  • Timestables Rockstars
All children have a login for this website.

  • Hit the Button
A great way to practice times tables at home.

  • Newsround
A place for children to keep up with current events!

  • National Geographic Kids
A lovely website for children to learn more about animals, wildlife and the world around them.

  • BBC Bitesize
A place full of information that covers the range of the subjects and topics we study in school.







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