It is important that your child is on time and ready to learn.
Children are welcomed by staff at our Early Years gates from 8.45am on Clydesdale EYFS entrance. If you and your child arrive after 9am, please use the main school entrance on Wyedale, as the gates to Early Years will have been locked. Your child will need to be signed in and will be recorded as late.
Our school day finishes at 3pm. Please collect your child at the allocated gate for your child at this time.
It is important that you do not park on the safety zigzag markings outside the school, and we ask that you are considerate when parking on the road, to avoid blocking residents’ driveways.
Each morning the children are provided with a healthy snack. The cost amounts to 25p per day, however, we ask for payment to be made in installmentspayable at the start of the Autumn and Spring half terms or if possible one payment of £50 which is for the whole year.
Every child in Early Years and Key Stage 1 is also given a free piece of fruit each day. Therefore, they do not need to bring in a snack from home.
Water & milk
Please ensure your child brings a refillable water bottle to school with them each day. The bottle should be clearly marked with their name and brought home each evening to be washed and refilled with WATER only.
There is also the oportunity for children to have milk in school. It is free for those children under 5 and those eligible for Pupil Premium (Pupil Premium are those children who parents have applied for and received Free School Meals).
You will need to register your child at, where you will be able to manage your account and choose whether to pay weekly or termly.
School lunches
Whilst your child is in Early Years and Key Stage 1 (Year 1 & 2) they are eligible for the Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM) and therefore do not need to pay for a school meal.
Every morning, the children are able to choose between the following options which come with a portion of salad or vegetables...
Hot dinner
Jacket potato with a range of fillings
Deli bar (cold sandwich or wrap)
On Friday there is the choice between Pizza or Fish & Chips - this day is always a firm favourite with children (and staff!)
Your child also has the option to bring their own packed lunch. As a Healthy Eating School we request that these should be made up of healthy foods, e.g. sandwich, fruit, a small biscuit or cereal bar. WE ARE A NUT FREE SCHOOL.
If your child has any dietary requirements, you are able to talk to the school cook about these, again through making an appointment at the office.
School uniform
We are proud of our school uniform and the children wear it with pride.
Our school uniform is:
White short or long sleeved shirt / white or green polo shirt
Bottle green jumper or cardigan
Grey trousers/shorts
Grey skirt/pinafore
Bottle green checked/striped summer dresses
Sensible black school shoes (no high heels, sling backs or jelly shoes)
Grey or white socks
Waterproof coat - this is essential in the EYFS where we go outside come rain or shine!
Please ensure all items have names written or sewn in them.
Should you wish to purchase uniform items embroidered with our Whitby Heath Primary School logo, you can do so by visiting the following websites:
No jewellery should not be worn for school, though small stud earrings are allowed.
Please also ensure that your child has a sensible hairstyle. All long hair is to be tied back using school colours for clips and bows.
Physical Development is such an important part of our Early Years curriculum and our children are always active! Our PE day for EYFS is a Monday and we ask the children to come into school in their PE kits.
PE Kit:
Black shorts
Plain polo shirt in colour for their Team - Red (Dahl), Yellow (Donaldson), Blue (Rowling) or Green (Seuss)
Blue/grey/black track suit
‘Pull on’ or velcro pumps
Again, please ensure ALL items are clearly marked with your child's name!
Homework & Reading books
Please ensure that your child's reading book is in their book bag EVERY DAY as we will often read with children throughout the school day. Reading books are changed every THURSDAY.
Homework is set every Friday and is due in on the following THURSDAY. This is so that it can be marked and the new homework stuck in ready for the Friday. Please note that late homework which is not in school on the Thursday may not be marked and books may not be changed.