EYFS Curriculum
Early Years Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs of every pupil allowing them to become confident to take risks in their learning and challenge themselves whilst developing independent learning behaviours. In EYFS, we appreciate the fact that our children are unique individuals who learn in different ways. We therefore pay close attention to the learning behaviours that each child displays by observing how they demonstrate the characteristics of effective learning and plan rich opportunities for playing and exploring through active learning, creating and thinking critically. We also recognise the importance of teaching metacognitive strategies, ensuring our children are confident to use the thinking vocabulary we have chosen across the setting in a range of situations, and across curriculum areas.
We promote high aspirations for all and encourage all pupils to ‘reach for the stars’ in their learning and go beyond their comfort zone so they go deeper in their learning and are able to articulate their ideas, thoughts and opinions confidently.
In Early Years we promote rich and challenging learning experiences. We recognise curious, calm, confident learners are able to flourish and thrive when having access to both a stimulating indoor and outdoor environment with our curriculum tailored to each child’s unique needs. Learning is rooted in the needs and context of our community and learners. The foundations of our curriculum are rooted in purposeful, quality first hand experiences, designed to secure knowledge and skills by encouraging all our learners to dive deeper in their learning so each individual grows and achieves their true potential.
Early Years Curriculum Implementation
Each area of development is implemented through planned, purposeful play with a mixture of adult led and child-initiated activities. Topics reflect children’s interests, abilities and needs making learning meaningful and progressive. Our topics help children to build firm foundations that will help them prepare for transition into Key Stage 1. To achieve this we:
- Use hooks artefacts, texts, activities, visits and the arts to bring topics alive.
- Provide memorable first hand experiences.
- Plan alongside the children, ensuring learning is exciting, progressive and children are motivated.
- Develop local, national and global multi-cultural awareness by embedding our Christian and British Values across all learning.
- Study people who have contributed to /or had a positive influence on society.
- Use regular meaningful use of locality and school grounds to ensure our community is reflected in our learning experiences.
Please use the links below to find out more about our Curriculum and to see our Long Term Overview for EYFS.